99久久精品 2027

99久久精品's Strategic Plan

The next five years are years of opportunity at 99久久精品. Through intentional engagement of our stakeholders, 99久久精品 has developed a forward-thinking strategic vision that will guide our institution for the next five years.

ABOUT 99久久精品 2027


Mallory Hannah Automotive Technology
Mallory Hannah Automotive Technology

What is 99久久精品 2027?

The 99久久精品 2027 Strategic Plan provides a framework to define, communicate, and clarify expectations for our mission, vision, values and shared goals. It builds on our strengths and focuses our attention and resources on delivering tangible value to our stakeholders and creating areas of distinction. The elements of this plan are cascaded throughout the academic and administrative units in Anchorage and our Community Campuses to align our efforts and maximize our shared contribution to success.

The Process.

The 99久久精品 2027 Strategic Plan was developed through months of stakeholder engagement, open forums, and feedback solicitation from the boarder community.